The Movie Oracle: PROFILE: Athena

The gods are coming back?

Dionysos, god of wine: Yes, we are! Long ago the gods grew weary of man's problems and "outsourced" our duties to upstart religions. But retirement got boring and now we're turning once again to the mortal realm, and finding it a very different world. Where to begin getting in touch with this new culture? With movies, of course!

Athena, goddess of wisdom: And other things. I look out for social issues, Dio for aesthetics. Apollo goes for the intellectual, Ares for action, Hera for family values, and so on. Each god gives their unique view on today's cinema and society.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


GODDESS OF wisdom, weaving, crafts, pottery, heroism, civic defense, human rights, activism, fairly-traded coffee, square glasses

LOVED Twelve Angry Men. The civic order is tested, one man stands up for truth, and justice prevails--that's heroism in the modern world.

HATED The Secret. A principle of magic is re-packaged as the scientific-sounding "law of attraction," and spiritual enlightenment is reduced to fast money--that's the opposite of wisdom. Socrates fought such sophistry all his life.

TURN-ONS Attention to social issues, political allegory, activism

TURN-OFFS Racism, sexism, homophobia, exploitation of workers, propaganda, "enlightenment" without substance

MOVIE-MUNCHIES Fair-trade coffee

Fun? No time for fun when there's so much injustice in the world. I skipped childhood entirely. After Zeus swallowed the goddess Metis, whose name means Wisdom, I sprang fully-formed from his forehead, brandishing a spear. I've been fighting for wisdom and justice ever since.

What do I do lately? When not on the activist march, I haunt local, non-franchise coffee shops. You can usually see me in a corner punching a Macbook keyboard while sucking down fairly-traded coffee.

Learn about the real Athena at

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