The Movie Oracle: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

The gods are coming back?

Dionysos, god of wine: Yes, we are! Long ago the gods grew weary of man's problems and "outsourced" our duties to upstart religions. But retirement got boring and now we're turning once again to the mortal realm, and finding it a very different world. Where to begin getting in touch with this new culture? With movies, of course!

Athena, goddess of wisdom: And other things. I look out for social issues, Dio for aesthetics. Apollo goes for the intellectual, Ares for action, Hera for family values, and so on. Each god gives their unique view on today's cinema and society.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

One thumb up, two thumbs down

Apollo: By 20 minutes in Mr. Jones has already perpetrated stunts unbelievable even in cartoons. How is an intellect to appreciate this? On the other hand, the prairie dogs were cute. Thumbs down.

Athena: Indiana fights the commies? Lucas and Spielberg must have hoped this theme would be as ageless as Harrison Ford himself. Pish! Surely there must be something more relevant for this civic goddess to endorse. Thumbs down.

Dionysos: You two miss the point! Indie's not about intellectual commentary or current events. He's a hero of mad, luscious adventure. You have to admit, this movie delivers that in full. Besides, it's stylistics deserve praise: the nostalgic Technicolor is gorgeous. Between this and a new score by John Williams, the aesthete cannot go wrong. So what if it's unbelievable? At least it birthed a new Internet catch phrase: "nuked the fridge." Thumbs up.

The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull carries on the torch begun with Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), nineteen years after The Last Crusade (1989). This time the daring archaeologist who loves his hat takes on Soviets, aliens, and more. Ford's age is accounted for by setting the former 30's hero in 1957. The date also lends style, namely that of 50's-era B-movies.
Director: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Shia LaBeouf

Rotten Tomatoes rating: 76% fresh
Get it from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

DID YOU KNOW? Athena, best known as a goddess of wisdom, was also a goddess of crafts and weaving.

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